It’s so overwhelming how society has put such a focus on my body, your body, everyone’s body.
When did being your authentic self become so out dated? Between social media, television and print ads, society has totally taken on a new version of just being one’s self. In the eyes of society, beauty is measured by height, weight, body make up, skin color, hair type, ethnicity, how you dress and so many other superficial things. Why can’t beauty be measured by one’s uniqueness? It doesn’t matter if you’re heavy, tall, thin, short, cheaply dressed, as long as you possess a spirit that’s inviting because you’re blessed with inner beauty and intelligence.
You see, manufactured beauty may be easy on the eye, but why look like the millions of other women with looks that soon will be fleeting.
The funny thing is, insecurity runs so deep in the minds and hearts of others and so does the desire for acceptance and love. Everyone wants compliments, but no one wants an unwanted critique. Because everyone has an opinion about others, body shamming has become a thing- wrong, but a thing! People shame others often times to make themselves feel good, to cover up a flaw within themselves or even out of pure hatred. You see, society has such a voice and opinion about what we say, do and how we should look, act, speak, and live, that it’s easy to lose yourself trying to fit a mold that’s superficial.
So what do WE do? Good question. We continue to stand strong, honest and firm in our uniqueness. We take care of ourselves the right way by eating right, getting a good night’s sleep, taking care of our bodies, being the best version of ourselves, loving ourselves, being respectful and kind to others. Always believing that we were uniquely made with a purpose/reason. That reason may be different than others, but it’s ours. The only shaming that should take place is the shame of doing wrong unto others, being hard on ourselves and not standing in our truths, not doing the right thing when it counts.
The bottom line is, love you! Love all of you! Love every part of you! It’s ok to be different! Love you so much that it makes the shamers feel shame.